Sunday, July 18, 2010

Criticism of business

Business is being criticized from various aspect.
There is no doubt that modern business has raised material standard of living of the people but it has also created discontentment in the economic and social system. some of the main criticisms directed towards business are as under:

1.The employees are usually exploited by the owners because business of today has become too much profit oriented. Earning profit is all that matters to the business,
2. Business is one of the source of polluting air and water which directly affects the health of the people.
3. Human values and worker comforts and their importance is ignored by business.
4. Business due to self-interest, often ignores the welfare of the consumers and supplies adulterated goods.
5. The communication media such as television, radio magazines, newspapers. etc.. attempt to sell their goods or services by appealing to be human emotions, People due to the influence of communication media are losing sight pf spiritual values.
Conclusion. We do agree that the modern business has increased the - comforts of life by supply the desired quality of products but it has obligations towards nation also.Business is not for money chasing but it should also aim and target in serving the community and the customers.

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Business Business:Economic system in which goods and services are exchanged for one another or money, on the basis of their perceived worth. Every business requires some form of investment and a sufficient number of customers to whom its output can be sold at profit on a consistent basis.